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Zack Amalgam's reference



Phew! Hace tiempo que no subia algo^^ Me tomo tiempo pero finalmente esta lista la referencia de Zack y todas sus cosas^^ Añadí tres caras que rara vez verán en Zack, instinto asesino, sin querer admitir del todo que hizo algo (Ejemplo, manda un regalo a su novia y sin ninguna forma de que ella sepa que fue él pero de todas formas ella lo adivina e intenta hacer que lo admita), y llorando por que odia sus poderes, ademas incluí su logo y un pequeño tutorial de colores para aquellos que tienen problemas dibujando el mechón de Zack.
:bulletgreen:Lo primero que hacen es hacer esta figura bastante grande y sin forma.
:bulletblue:Luego se hace esta segunda linea para definir hasta donde llegan los mechones.
:bulletred:Finalmente usan lineas curvas que conecten ambas lineas y luego delineen el resultado y borren el lapiz grafito.

Nombre: Zack Amalgam, Bio-Gizoid 01
Apodos: Tio Zacky, Zacky y cabeza de zanahoria.
Edad: 18 física y mentalmente, la edad real es desconocida.
Poderes: Mimetismo (Le permite copiar cualquier poder o habilidad natural de las personas que se acerquen a él) y mimecria visual (Lo vuelve capaz de copiar cualquier técnica de lucha con solo verla una vez).
Armas y equipo: Gitai-no-Ken (Espada del mimetismo) y la D-Emerald (D es por "Drain", "Drenar", una esmeralda que él y Tails crearon para que drene y almacene la energía Chaos de Zack cuando tiene una sobrecarga, solo Zack, Void y sus versiones de otros universos pueden usarla)
Parientes: Spark Amalgam (Hermano) Psique Amalgam (Hermana) Scott Amalgam (Clon/Primo) Shadow the Hedgehog (Primo de tercer grado por haber sido creados por Eggman y Gerald Robottnik)
Personalidad: Usualmente es alguien positivo y de gran corazón, no le gusta causarle preocupaciones a los demás y por eso cuando anda mal suele esconderlo con una sonrisa falsa.
Status: Tiene dueña XDDD
Sexualidad: Heterosexual.
Clasificacion: Heroe
Tema: "Everyday Superhero" por Smash Mouth [link]
Historia: Despues de otra de sus derrotas, Eggman decidio revisar viejos planes y se dio cuenta de que las unicas veces en que estuvo a punto de ganar fueron cuando tenia a Shadow de su lado y cuando Sonic tuvo que pelear contra el gran poder del Gizoid, así que usando las notas de su abuelo y con algunas modificaciones él creo a su "Bio-Gizoid", pero lo que no esperaba es que su mayor creacion, junto con las otras dos que hizo para mantenerlo controlado, se rebelarían en cuanto este viera al Sonic Team y tuviera ligeros flashbacks de la vida de Emerl, actualmente Zack trabaja para G.U.N. como agente y como conejillo de indias y se la pasa entrenando con su sensei Athyns el Búho para tener mejor control de su otra alma y de todo su poder que, según Athyns, aun esta tan inmaduro como un bebe recién nacido.

Zack Amalgam (C):iconmrsoniccloud:

Phew! I haven't uploaded something in a long while^^ It took time but I finally got finished the referen of Zack and all his things^^ I added three faces that you'll rarely see on Zack, murderer instinct, not entirely wanting to admit he did something (Example, he sends a gift to his girlfriend and without a way for her to know it was from him but she guessed it anyway and tries to make him admit it), and crying about hating his powers, I also included a small Zack logo and a colored tutorial for those who have trouble drawing the forehead hair of Zack.
:bulletgreen: The first thing to do it's draw this figure very large and shapeless.
:bulletblue: After that you draw this second line is to define the reach of his locks.
:bulletred: Finally use curved lines to connect the two lines and then outline the results and erase the pencil lines.

Name: Zack Amalgam, Bio-Gizoid 01
Nicknames: Zacky, Uncle Zacky and "Carrot Hair"
Age: 18 physically and mentally, the actual age is unknown.
Powers: Mimetism (Allows him to copy any power or natural ability of people who come near to him) and visual mimicry (What makes him able to copy any fighting technique with only seeing it once).
Weapons and equipment: Gitai-no-Ken (Sword of mimicry) and the D-Emerald (D is for "Drain", an emerald that he and Tails created to drain and store the chaos energy of Zack when he is having an overload, only Zack, Void and their versions of other universes can use it)
Relatives: Spark Amalgam (Brother) Psique Amalgam (Sister) Scott Amalgam (Clone/Cousin) Shadow the Hedgehog (Third-degree cousin because the got created by Eggman and Gerald Robottnik)
Personality: He usually is a guy that hinks in positive and has a golden heart, he doesn't likes to make people worry about him so whenever he has a problem he hides it behind a fake smile.
Status: He's taken^^
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Allegiance: Hero
Theme Song: "Everyday Superhero" by Smash Mouth [link]
History: After one of his defeats, Eggman decided to review old plans and realized that the only times he was about to win was when he had Shadow on his side and when Sonic had to fight against the great power of the Gizoid , so using the notes of his grandfather and with a few modifications he created some his "Bio-Gizoid", but what he didn't expected was that his greatest creation, along with the other two he made to keep him controlled, would rebel agains him as soon as he saw the Sonic Team and had some quick flashbacks of the life of Emerl, Zack now works for G.U.N. as an agent and as a guinea pig and spends a lot of his time training with his sensei Athyns the Owl to have better control of his other soul and all his power wich, according to Athyns, it's still as immature as a newborn baby.

Zack Amalgam (C):iconmrsoniccloud:
Image size
2072x1349px 1.14 MB
HP Scanjet djf2100
Date Taken
Dec 9, 2011, 10:01:44 PM
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